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Monday, June 1, 2009

Tiller Aborted

I would like to express my sadness at hearing of the violent death of Dr. George Tiller, who was gunned down at his church. In my ideal United States, abortion would be illegal and Dr. Tiller would have had a life sentence in prison to hopefully come to repentence for his atrocious acts against so many unborn children and their mothers. Someone has taken the opportunity for conversion from him. I hear of the story of Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who aborted over 100,000 children and is now a faithful Catholic and i know God can work miracles in the most hardened of sinners. Let us pray and make heroic sacrifices for proponents of the Culture of Death, especially our president, and let us renew our efforts to lovingly evangelize those who don't understand the gravity of abortion in all cases. Many of them simply don't get the inconsistency of their beliefs and just need to be asked some pointed questions. Plant seeds and water them with prayer. And above all, fast and suffer for those who know of the wrongness of their acts and persist in sin. They will need much more than simple engagement to come to true conversion. This is a war for their souls, even above the lives of the innocent, for what good is an ephemeral life if you lose your soul?
On another note, think of how hard it will be for Tiller's widow, 4 children, and 10 grandchildren to come to the realization that abortion is evil now. That's 15 souls that may be lost because Dr. Tiller is now a martyr for the cause of evil, not to mention his friends and supporters. We need to focus our attack on the damage done to women and children by the violence of abortion because this war will only be won in hearts. If we kill every abortion doctor, more will take their place. It is only by exposing the lies in the ideology that we will ultimately be successful. All sin is a choice and it is only by helping people conclude abortion is the worst possible choice that we can effect legislative change and get our nation's morality back on track.

Friday, May 22, 2009

My Point Exactly

This article says a lot about the people making the case for married priests. I'm not saying there are no good arguments for changing the western rite discipline; i'm saying i haven't heard any. I keep hearing from the peanut gallery. Like this guy.

Though the debate over celibacy in the Catholic Church has been ongoing, two recent efforts have thrust the discussion front and center.

An organization known as Celibacy Is the Issue Ministries (CITI) is making a renewed effort to prove that married priests can administer the sacrament under Canon Law #843, which states that “both pastors of souls and all other members of Christ’s faithful have a duty to ensure that those who ask for the sacraments are prepared for their reception.”[How about the men who ask for the sacrament of holy orders be prepared to live up to their vows?]

It’s a practical look at marriage and the priesthood that may convince the Church to reconsider its stance on celibacy—a stance discussed in harrowing detail by a priest whose own battles with celibacy cost him dearly.

Father Ameen (not his real name), an Eastern Rite Catholic priest [Eastern rite men who are already married can become priests; Fr. Ameen could have put his ducks in a row] and author of Confessions of a Passionate Priest, believes that fewer parishes would struggle to find priests if the Church were more pragmatic on the issue of celibacy.

“I had an affair with a married woman,” says Father Ameen. “The reality of human nature is that we need intimacy.[This woman was married and didn't keep her vows. She HAD intimacy and sought more elsewhere. Should the Church rethink its teaching on monogamy in marriage, too?] The Church is failing to address that. ”

In his book, Father Ameen discusses his own punishment at the hands of his bishop after his affair went public. He says he believes that allowing married priests to remain as operating clerics would help to avoid situations like his, which got worse recently when his bishop found out that he had written a book about it. [Imagine that; a bishop getting upset about one of his priests leading a woman to spiritual death and then writing a book to profit off of it. That narrow-minded chauvinist!] Father Ameen was barred from returning to his parish.

“The Church often looks the other way when priests are having intimate relationships,” says Father Ameen.[It doesn't matter if Church officials are confirming people in their sin. It's still sinful no matter how many or how few people participate in it.] “They understand, as well as I and CITI do, that marriage does not distract from priestly duties.” [That's because it's not marriage, it's an extramarital (presumably) sexual relationship. It's not a marriage. Is such a relationship open to life? How does the priest plan to support those children should he be open to life? Is the woman contracepting to prevent the affair from being discovered? I doubt a woman who would bed a priest would be scrupulous in upholding Church teaching on openness to in every sexual act. Call me a cynic.]

Recent statistics may force the Church to admit as much:

-More than 25,000 priests have married in the United States since the 1970s.[Which is about the time the marxist undermining of our faith really took root.]
-At present, more than 5,300 parishes are without priests. [So? We should ordain men who will steal our wives just to avoid a two-hour wait for confession?]
-In the last thirty years, seminary enrollment has dropped from 45,000 to just 3,500. [Once again, marxists infiltrating our Church and poorly implementing Second Vatican Coucil teachings have more to do with that than celibacy. Celibacy existed in the Church as doctrine since the 11th century. Why is enrollment down recently?]

“I love the Church, but it does have some rules that serve no one,” says Father Ameen.[Like 'Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife'.] “I’m proof, as are all married Eastern Rite priests, that one can live in the secular world and still serve God.”[Read: I'm living proof that one can serve God and Mammon].

Father Ameen remains dedicated to the priesthood despite his contradiction of specific Church rules. [And dogmas.] He currently lives in an undisclosed location in the United States, preferring to remain anonymous to avoid recrimination.[Recrimination from who? The woman's husband he defiled?]

(Confessions of a Passionate Priest by Father Ameen; ISBN: 0-9816892-0-5; $14.95; 224 pages; 5½” x 8½”; softcover; East Mountain Books)

A very wise priest once told me that being celibate was not so different from being married. You must be chaste either way. In celibacy you are faithful to God. In marriage, you are faithful to one person. You must find ways of dealing with temptations when you are attracted to someone else in either calling. Celibacy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Let us pray for our priests to embrace this gift and continue living in faithfulness to the Lord that they may lead us to the Kingdom.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

So, Fr., what are you doing Friday night?

I thought i'd tackle the issue of celibacy, since it appears to be in the news a lot lately. had two articles, one pro-celibacy, one con. This was the con article, written by Rev. Donald Cozzens. I am going to argue it Fr. Z style because i feel it is the most effective way to go point by point. Incidentally, i didn't care for the pro-article because i don't think the author was effective in making arguments that would persuade secular people or explain to your average "johnny catholic" the advantages of this discipline of the Church. Anyway, here is the article with my comments in brackets.

It's an issue that simply won't go away. In spite of signals from the Vatican discouraging even discussions of obligatory celibacy for Catholic priests, the almost 1,000-year-old rule is under the microscope. And it will be for decades to come. Here's why.

In the Catholic tradition, even though sex is cast as sinful unless expressed in the conjugal embrace of husband and wife, it is held as fundamentally good, a part of God's creation.

The church even holds that marriage (including spousal lovemaking) is a sacrament -- something sacred that contributes to the sanctity of husbands and wives. In light of this official teaching, it is dawning on many Catholics that mandatory celibacy for priests, a canonically imposed discipline of the church, is precisely that -- a discipline.

They are asking, "How is it that a discipline of the church has been allowed to trump a sacrament of the church?" [This statement is meant to evoke an emotional response, not make an actual argument. Celibacy isn't meant to "trump" marriage. It is a discipline mandated by the Church for its advantages in aiding priests to serve God more fully. This mandate doesn't mean that the Church thinks celibacy is better than marriage, it means she wisely and correctly thinks a priest with a family to serve will be less able to serve a flock.] In effect, the church is saying that should God call a man to the priesthood, God will not, at the same time, call that individual to the sacrament of marriage. It's right to ask, how does the church know this?

Public opinion surveys indicate that most Catholics, priests included, believe the discipline of celibacy needs a serious review.[This is irrelevant. The majority of Catholics also use contraception. Should that be reviewed?] Recently the retired archbishop of New York, Cardinal Edward Egan, observed that obligatory celibacy is open for discussion. It is not, Egan noted, a matter of dogma.[True, but then one would have to make some compelling arguments showing the advantages of marriage over celibacy to persuade the hierarchy to change this discipline. I'm still waiting for that.]

For decades now, bishops from Asia, Europe and the Americas have asked Vatican officials to consider optional celibacy for priests. The church's official response is consistent and succinct: As a precious gift from God, the discipline of celibacy for priests will remain in place.

This, in spite of the inherent paradox lying just below the claim that the gift of celibacy is a precious gift of God to the priesthood and the church: How can a gift be legislated? [Marriage is also a precious gift. Why are there so many rules "legislating" it? Why does a priest have to oversee the wedding? Why is there marriage prep? Why can't i refuse the gift and divorce if the marriage goes south? All laws of the Church are themselves precious gifts and by submitting ourselves to them we become aligned with the will of God. Rev. Cozzens appears to have set up a straw man argument.] The church answers that if a man is called to the priesthood, God will grant him the gift of celibacy. Many priests today wonder how church leaders know this. Reading the mind of God in this matter -- in any matter of church discipline -- is risky business. [It's God's Church; if there is a discipline legislated by it, He will work with it. If he wants it changed, i'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit would make it known. He has His ways . . . I do not mean to be disrespectful to a priest, but Rev. Cozzens seems to be sowing seeds of mistrust in Church authority.]

More and more Catholics today are coming to understand that celibacy as a universal law for priests had its origins in the 12th century and that during the church's first millennium, priests and bishops -- and at least thirty-nine popes -- were married.

Still, most well-read cradle Catholics are surprised to learn that St. Anastasius, pope from 399 to 401, was succeeded by his son, Pope St. Innocent I, and that a century later Pope St. Hormisdas' son, St. Silverius, also was elected to the papacy.[Anyone who has studied advertising would recognize this as a bandwagon sales pitch. This is not an actual argument. St. Peter was also married. What is your point? Peter was not real attentive to his family's needs after he began service to the Lord. Were the above-listed saints also in advanced age with grown children before they began their service? Or did they somehow manage to effectively juggle family life with the demands of the flock? More information would be needed for this to be persuasive].

Even in our secular world, it's common to speak of church-based ministry as a calling, a vocation. Isn't it possible that God would call an individual to the priesthood and to the sacrament of marriage? God apparently did so for more than half the church's history. How do we know that God isn't doing so today? [How do we know that God IS doing so today? Do you trust that priests who want to marry are hearing the voice of God more clearly than the Pope? My first thought would be that they're hearing something else a little more clearly than God.]

For some years now I've been teaching in the religious studies department at John Carroll University in Cleveland.[Oh, great.] I've asked dozens of serious, healthy young students if they have given any thought to being a priest. They seem flattered by the question. With only one exception, each has answered, "Yes, I've thought about being a priest, but I want a family." [Obviously Rev. Cozzens has joined God in calling young men to holy orders. We are to assume that because these students are serious and healthy they are good candidates to the priesthood. Couldn't we also make the case that men who are willing to sacrifice the great good that is a family for the sake of the kingdom would be better priests than the serious and healthy young men who won't? I mean, am i to presume that the celibate priests serving God now did not want a family? I kinda hope that they don't have that sort of disdain for my calling. I have the immense respect for them that i do in part because they were given the gift of celibacy. If it isn't a sacrifice, they are somehow less cool].

There are, of course, other factors, urgent and pressing, that will keep the celibacy issue alive. The Catholic priesthood is aging. The average age of active priests hovers at 60, and if retired priests are factored in, it is considerably higher. Moreover, Catholic seminaries are lucky to be half full.

Parish staffing challenges alone will press for a review of the celibacy rule. Catholic bishops simply do not have enough priests to meet the pastoral and sacramental needs of the Catholic faithful. Closing and merging parishes may offer some temporary relief for overworked priests, but the shortfall of priests will continue to challenge the vitality of Catholic parishes and the health of Catholic clergy for decades to come. [Protestant denominations that allow married pastors and female pastors also suffer clergy shortages; this problem we Christians face requires fixing the underlying issues, not letting anyone who wants become a priest.]

But the most human, existential factor that should keep the celibacy issue on the table is the spiritual and emotional health of priests. Celibacy really isn't the issue -- mandatory or obligatory celibacy is. [If celibacy is really a gift of God, would it be spiritually and emotionally unhealthy? It seems either it is a gift or it is unhealthy].

There are many priests who do possess the gift of celibacy -- it is their "truth" so to speak -- and their humanity, warmth and pastoral effectiveness give abundant evidence of their authentic celibate lives. But there remain other priests who believe deep down they are called to the priesthood but not to celibacy. And for these men, the burden of mandated celibacy threatens their spiritual and emotional well-being. The priesthood may be their "truth," but mandated celibacy wraps them in a cloak of loneliness and struggle.[If they know that celibacy is mandated when they take the job, why should we be sympathetic to them over the Church when they change their minds? This is no different than a man who struggles with the "burden" that a family places on him. It can be just as lonely when you are going through a difficult period with your spouse. You are still expected to remain faithful and work out the problems even though the sympathetic woman at work may also feel like your calling. You made your vows - keep them!]

I don't know Father Alberto Cutie. He appears to have touched the lives of many and preached the gospel with power and conviction. I suspect he feels called by God to be a priest, but not a celibate priest [Fr. Alberto was photographed with his hand down a woman's bathing suit to fondle her rear end. I suspect he has issues with chastity that would make him a crappy husband the same way he's a crappy priest. But i guess Rev. Cozzens' suspicions probably outweigh mine].

Surely he knows that Eastern Rite Catholic priests are allowed to marry [correct me if i'm wrong, but i think they are allowed to become priests if they are already married, not allowed to frolic on the beach if they are already priests] and that the church welcomes into the priesthood married convert ministers from other Christian denominations [One such priest currently serves faithfully in our parish, but he and his wife are beyond child-bearing years, so i don't know how they would have handled family life divided by parish demands]. Surely he knows that in many parts of the Catholic world, clerical celibacy is openly flouted, and church authorities choose not to notice.[People are also having abortions and robbing banks; do we need to rethink that as well. Still waiting for an actual argument that's not a sales pitch].

I wonder if church officials understand the burden they place on the shoulders of a man who believes he is called to priestly ministry but not to celibacy.[Uh, considering that burden is also theirs, i'm pretty sure they have an inkling. They're not sadistic legislating eunuchs, they are flesh and blood men who share the same struggles and obligations to the law]. Certainly, a married priesthood will have burdens of its own and, sadly, scandals of its own -- infidelity and abuse among others. But it should be left to the individual priest and seminarian to determine whether or not he is blessed with the gift of celibacy. [Why is the individual more qualified to decide Church discipline than the Church? Rev. Cozzens has failed to give compelling evidence that men can effectively wear both hats. Are there no examples of Eastern rite men who have done both well?]

A mandated "gift," after all, is really no gift at all. [So the bike i bought my son is no gift if i won't let him take in on the highway. Got it.]

Rev. Cozzens could have made a more powerful argument by citing facts like that the Eastern rite has no shortage of priests (but they probably do) or addressing problems like the fact that priests make their living solely from the Church so how will it not be a burden for the parishioners to have to pay for him and his wife and their eight children? How is it fair for a child to be asked to make the sacrifice of daddy not being there for soccer games and other important things (that increase in number with the number of children Fr. Father has) because the parishioners needs must be met? How happy is the wife going to be when her husband is transferred to some country with no clean running water and she's 5 months pregnant? Celibacy is a gift with many advantages. We can send single men to horrible parts of the world and make them live on crusts of bread and not feel so bad about it. There are sacrifices these men can make that a family man cannot reasonably be expected to do. This discipline is a gift and i think a priest struggling with loneliness may simply be struggling with the sacrifice and trick himself into thinking he has a second calling. I do not believe it is a second calling, but rather a man trying to justify wanting to have his cake and eat it, too. If a man says he feels called to have a family when he is already father to a parish, can we really believe he is thinking of the sacrifices he can make for a wife and children in addition to the hard work he is already doing for the Church? You must at least suspect he is thinking of himself and his loneliness and the desire for his own comfort. While we must truly reach out to our priests in ways that can help them feel friendship and mitigate the loneliness that does come from celibacy, priests who have romantic feelings for parishioners must also honestly realize that they could never give a family their undivided attention and still be doing their job as well. If the discipline were to change, it would probably only open up the priesthood to men who are already married, not let Fr. Cutie continue his romps on South Beach. So let's strive to embrace this discipline as we have it, always being willing to embrace its change should Holy Mother Church decide there is wisdom in that path.

A Minor Inconsistency

It seems that if a body were interested in reducing STD infections, they should oppose the morning after pill. After all, if you can have unprotected sex and then take a pill the next day to prevent pregnancy, why should you bother with a condom? However, not using a condom would necessarily leave one open to potential infections (I submit that if you really believed he had an STD, you wouldn't be having sex with him).
I think if one were honest, one would make the case that having Plan B on the market would lull more women (and girls) into a false sense of security, potentially reducing condom use. I'm sure that study will never be done because making that leap, one might also draw the conclusion that abortion being legal also reduces the likelihood that people will use contraception "responsibly" or that contraception being legal reduces the likelihood that people will have sex responsibly, i.e. within the context of marriage. I didn't intend for this post to end up like this. But i'm glad it did. :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Get ready for the roundup.

As everyone has probably been made aware already, the Department of Homeland Security recently issued a report on Right-wing Extremism stating that it's on the rise because of the new administration. There are many problems I personally have with this report especially because the language is so broad that it could be used to do some very scary things in the future.
First, I resent the label "right-wing" being used for groups like the KKK and other racist organizations. It seems to be inaccurate since Lincoln was a Republican and the Klan started in the South, which is primarily Democrat because of the Civil War. I suppose militia groups uphold gun rights, which is a right-wing position, but the implication of the report is that racism is a right-wing thing. It's not.
Secondly, the report lists people who believe in the balance of federalism as potential enemies of the state. The federal government has lately been attaching some very frightening strings to the money it gives out. Banks are trying to return TARP loans and the government is refusing so they can maintain a stake in the banks. They forced the CEO of GM, a private company, to resign because the company foolishly accepted taxpayer money for a bailout. Despite the bailout, GM is still expected to file bankruptcy. We get the same result, but now the government has control of the company, which they bought with your money. They are telling the governor of S. Carolina that he can't refuse stimulus money, but he can't spend it the way he sees fit. He wants to pay down state debt, but the federal government says the money must be spent to set up education programs that the taxpayers of the state will not be able to afford, since they have a deficit already from existing programs. The DHS report is worded so broadly that it could be interpreted that people who have a problem with the above mentioned power-grabs are "extremist". Even Robert Byrd, Democratic Senator of West Virginny (and former Klan member, I might add) says that this administration is constitutionally out of line because of the "czar" positions he is creating, positions of authority that aren't elected by the people, yet have final say over many policy issues (above and beyond the say of the elected representatives).
Thirdly, the report lists as potentially dangerous extremists those who focus on one issue, like abortion. Who do we know who focuses heavily on life-issues? Any Catholic worth their salt. Pro-life people statistically are not violent. Since 1977 there have been 7 murders, 17 attempted murders, 4 kidnappings, and 216 arsons committed against abortionists/abortion mills (according to The DHS report fails to cite any new and recent incidents to support the claim that pro-life "extremists" are on the move. This seems, then, like a non-factual way to throw suspicion on the peaceful pro-life majority, especially since our bishops have actually been speaking out on life matters recently.
The report also throws suspicion on people for buying guns and stocking up on ammunition. There is actually a very good, non-extremist reason for people to be doing that. Obama has a very non-vague record on gun-control and has floated the idea of taxing ammunition to make it harder for people who own guns to actually be able to use them. Our right to bear arms (and have a militia without being called extremist, for that matter) is protected by the constitution. People own guns for hunting, to practice target shooting, and to protect their homes and families. When someone breaks into your home, it is a lot more comforting to be able to protect them yourself instead of having to wait for the cops to show up and worrying what will happen in the meantime. People who have this practical view can, by the vagueness of the DHS report, be labelled extremists because their behavior is listed as potentially extremist. The man in Scranton Heights, PA, who shot and killed three police officers is held up as an example because he supposedly was afraid of Obama taking away gun rights. What about the man LA who shot and killed four police officers? He was also a rapist, but because he's not "right-wing", he's not an enemy of the state.
Basically, the report seems to make sweeping generalizations that anyone conservative is potentially dangerous. There are no specific groups listed, except racist groups, just political points of view that should be red-flags. This scares me because the average person who hears news without critically examining it (we are a pretty apathetic nation) gets the impression that pro-lifers, hunting enthusiasts, and veterans are dangerous, just like they got the impression that Obama was well-spoken and politically moderate, and that Michelle Obama doesn't hate this country. I worry about the seeds of division being sown by Janet Napolitano and what fruit they might bear.

Sorry, Liam.

Wow, my first retraction. I would just like to note that the circumstances surrounding Natasha Richardson's untimely death were a cause of natural death. I was hasty in my interpretation of the media's calling it "brain death", but because of the lateness of medical care she received (by her own doing), there simply was nothing that could have been done to save her. Johnnycatholic sends his apologies and prayers for her family and for the departed.
Note to self: wait for the autopsy report next time, lest ye be judged . . .

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Put down

According to the above article, actress Natasha Richardson is brain dead resulting from a ski accident and will be removed from life support forthwith. To paraphrase the great Norm MacDonald, "Note to self: reject marriage proposal from Liam Neeson!"

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pulling Apart for the Sake of the Nation

I am an occasional listener of conservative talk radio. While i am by no means a "ditto-head", i do find conservative philosophy more compatible with a Catholic society. While i'm normally content to let the experts do their jobs, one caller today on Rush Limbaugh upset me with yet another well-meaning but foolish argument. She told Rush he sounded like an angry petulent child and instead of being upset that we lost the election, he needed to give Obama a chance, stop with the criticism, and help us pull together as a nation. While Rush was being a bit more snarky than usual, the caller was otherwise wrong. If Obama's economic plan is a bad idea, it doesn't matter if 100 people agree with it or 300 million people agree with it, it is still going to run the country into the ground. The only thing that changes is the number of people prepared to deal with the aftermath.
Furthermore, Obama not only doesn't believe that life begins at conception, he's apparently also not sure it begins at birth either, as is indicated by his voting numerous times against the Born Alive Infant Protection act.
We do not owe a president who is wrong loyalty to his wrong ideas. We owe him our prayers and sacrifices for his conversion and respect for the office he holds.